A period of time with no rain

A period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rain
A period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rain
A period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rainA period of time with no rain